Friday, April 14, 2023

Voluntary inducing of Goosebumps


Warning :  This article will only be based on my experience & opinions.

        I.                        Self-Inducing of tingles (Positive ASMR/ASMR related)

Note: Being hyper-imaginative and emotional person who can easily get earworms might cause for such person to be more sensitive than average  for getting tingles, even by just mimicking, remembering, or mentioning of the action to get them, whatever it’s by writing, audio, visual, or audio-visual source.

1)      A differentiation in body temperature, for instance

·         Warm up on gloomy cold environments:

o   Warming hands with slightly hot water on a cold daybreak.

o   Warming hands in front of a fire on a cold night.

·         Feeling wind/cold in the back when transitioning from a warm to a cold environment:

o   Coming out of the house in a daybreak/night.

2)      Touching, Scratching, Rubbing, Licking, Biting, and Chewing of the body -and vice versa- with particular stuff, ways, and strengths (especially on sensitive skin & areas), for instance

·         Smooth touching of ears with a feather, thread, or a drinking straw.

·         Scratching of the human crouch.

·         Smooth & Slow rubbing of the hair (ⵓⵍⴰ ⵉⵣⵔⵔⵓⵜⵏ).

·         Slow chewing of some types of soft candies.

·         Smooth & light touching of the surroundings of the armpits & shoulders with fingertips (tingles will be felt only on shoulders and the arms upper side!): Before starting, be topless, deep breath, and sit still.

3)      Positive Intensity

·         A triggering song or Memory (Nostalgia).

·         Euphoria or Euphoria like feeling:

o   Good epicness, like in a movie scene where a human flies naturally without any devices, a scene that might be experienced by the average Joe on a dream.

o   The anticipation,like: waiting some news is intense, them being showed up increases the intensity, and if they were good news (like a positive display of a test results) it might result on happiness or/and Euphoria.

o   Deep intangible words: Joik (like Sami Joiks), a Mystical & Religious chants (like Om), a magical spell, incantations, etc.

4)      Artificial Self-inducing of ASMR like feeling[1]

The lifehack needs the same triggers of a normal ASMR for its same effects (triggers: whisper, smooth talk, smooth touch, smooth chew, etc; effects: tickle, tingle, relaxation, etc). Also, due to my lack of popularity to help a wide range of people with the technique, I sent it to the ASMRist Gentle Whispering ASMR who nailed it like I will never do[2]. The artificial way consists of attaching two drinking straws from their bottom in a “C” like shape meant to touch the surroundings of a user’s ear and to transfer a Clear & Clean sound from its mouth to that same ear mimicking the 2nd’s party routine on inducing tingles(e.g., the ASMRist’s routine ).

5)      Being born able to voluntary induces Goosebumps

The search for the word “Voluntary Goosebumps” on the World Wide Web will result on finding just a few sources talking about it with every one of them given it a different explanation[3] (controlled brain signals, hidden energy, chakras, etc). Also, there is a limited research about it, and Wikipedia mentioned it only twice, and it was vague; fyi besides me, my middle brother is also able to voluntary induce Goosebumps:

·         The first time was in the Goose bumps article, «Anatomy and biology» section, paragraph 2, where it’s said:”[…]Moreover, there are rare accounts of people who are able to deliberately evoke goose bumps in themselves without any external trigger. Such people tend to have the ability to increase their heart rate and describe the event as a chill from the base of their skull down the body, that causes the increase in heart rate and concurrent goosebumps on the skin especially the forearms which varies in duration. Further research is needed to discover more on such people[4].

·         The second time was in the ASMR article, the introduction section, the last phrase, and it says: “[…]It is most commonly triggered by specific acoustic, visual and digital media stimuli, and less commonly by intentional attentional control.[5].

The voluntary inducing of Goosebumps sensation can be deliberately intensified by the temperature differentiation as mentioned before, in fact in my personal experiences, when I was a kid of 4 or 5 years of age, I discovered that putting my hands on the slightly hot warm water (from my muslim ablution bucket) in the cold cloudy mornings and start to say an incantation I invented[6] while my eyes are closed and move my shoulders in a fluid way, I get goosebumps instantaneously and in an intensified emotional loving way, and that’s when I learned I can voluntary generate goosebumps via only thinking about them without using any of those stimuli even though it made the experience less intensified or emotional or loving. The only thing I still use from time to time when I can generate them just by thinking is the shoulders movement or closing eye –if not sometimes both of them if I’m in a shy awkward or embarassing situation-. And although this what I remember making me discover VGB in myself as a kid if no confabulation occurred, there was also the instances of being next to a fire in the cold cloudy morning or even night where I get goose bumps and intensify them with the incantation and the shoulders movement (eyes aren’t important in this scenario).

And if a person is good at it enough, it can be possible to do tricks with it such as when the goose bumps start in the human’s back inbetween the shoulders and spreads –almost- equivalently to the arms, it can be possible to control its flow and make the goosebumps appear on an arm without the other; in my personal experience I can spread most of it in my right arm and most of the time a little bit sips into the left arm.

On the flip side, happens that I’ve found a Facebook page[7] afterwards called “Voluntary Goosebump Study” where the owner of the page was gathering people with this ability for a survey case study, so I ceased the opportunity and made a Facebook group[8] for people like me and started inviting people who were in that worked!! And then new members from others place rather than that page start coming, and we started sharing there any content we find about this phenomenon who lead subsequently to me compiling all of those links in one document that I update whenever there is something new[9].

      II.                        Self-inducing of Cringes (Negative ASMR/Anti-ASMR related)

Disclaimer : Being hyper-imaginative or emotional person who can easily get earworms might cause for such person to be more sensitive than average  for getting cringes, even by just mimicking, remembering, or mentioning of the action to get them, whatever it’s by writing, audio, visual, or audio-visual source. Also, the effects might intensify to an unwanted level where the executer of the actions will have instinctively to do something to the triggered membrane to calm his urge.

1)      Negative intensity

·         Horror, terror, and creepiness, which causes Adrenaline rush, Panic Attack, stomachache, Goosebumps, creeps, etc:

o   Bad epicness, like: a movie or real life scene where a human free fall without any devices.

o   The anticipation, like: waiting some news is intense, them being showed up increases the intensity, and if they were bad news (like a display of a test results) might result on horror, terror, or/and creepiness.

o   Revelation of a sensory experience to be a hallucination, like the Feeling of being watched: an ambiguity feeling is experienced when hallucinating, and then a creepiness feeling comes with the revelation, thus experiencing a special case of cringes called creeps.

o   Deep intangible words: Joik (like Sami Joiks), a Mystical & Religious chants (like Om), a magical spell…

o   Jump scare.

·         A triggering Memory or song.

2)      Touching, Scratching, Rubbing, biting, licking, and chewing of particular stuff with particular stuff in particular ways, in particular strengths, for instance:

·         Touching a sticky & stinky stuff.

·         Hard Scratching of a blackboard with nails (it might cause biting of fingernails/fingertips).

·         Rubbing of teeth with fingers, especially when they are wet & polish: A simple way to execute the trigger is by holding water on the mouth, sliding a finger inside it, then start to rub the teeth. The technique might cause rubbing of teeth together like if chewing/grinding something.

·         Hard rub of tough & smooth things with hand, fingertips, or polyester/polymer (faience, metal bars…). This might result in hard covering/rubbing of ears and a potential teeth bare grinding.

·         Smooth & Slow Biting & Chewing of wool: adding a liquid -like water- to the wool increases the cringing effect. Having teeth that are weak, sensitive, or in pain can causes/increases tooth pain.

·         Chewing sour foods like lemon, kiwi, hard Apples & Oranges, grape with its seeds, and pomegranate with its inner peel. The technique might causes the same thing the wool technique would cause.

    III.                        The writer’s opinion on what causes ASMR

The cause of the phenomenon lays –potentially- on the possibility of remains from human ancestors physiology for getting tingles & cringes as a response to different instinctive cases of surviving:

1)      For tingles:

·         Establishing the body’s normal temperature, thus a protection from cold, like in:

o    The response to cold things and the warm up.

o    The voluntary inducing of Goosebumps (as a more primitive technique).

·         Reproduction:

o    Different areas & parts of the modern days human body respond to a variety of sensory touching[10] in the same way they would normally respond when it’s another human who’s doing it[11] during a sexual foreplay & intercourse, even the touching triggers looks similar to sexual foreplay & intercourse gestures. This response is mainly an inherited thing from the humans ancestors when reproduction had larger importance than now (“planting his seed” and having an extension of yourself, having a kid to inherit the power and lead the tribe, etc)

·         Seek of a supreme leader:

o    The human ancestor instinctively feels being powerless in his vast environment even with him living in groups with leaders (nonetheless human leaders); thus linking his existence to the existence of an all powerful entity. When doing so, the entity becomes a source of Realizing needs (rain, food, water, etc), and a source of Worshiping & Thanking for realizing those needs, this is the 1st way to do so; the 2nd way is by creating a link between the average person and the entity if the people of that culture feels too puny to contact entities by themselves, the link can be an idol, a messenger, a sorcerer, a magician doctor, etc. All these calls of help, worship, and thanking needs their own religious chants, vocations, incantations, spells, and joiks to approach the entity (like those said during a sacrifice )that might actually work sometimes due to high probability, luck, and/or Placebo effect making the tradition continues.[religion is also an evolutionary byproduct, so it may left its scares in us physiologically].

·         Happiness:

o    Nostalgia.

o    Good Epic stuff, lead to fascination & intensity, thus experiencing Euphoria like feeling.

2)       For cringes:

·         To be homo sapiens Man had to first imagine, abstract, and make stories, that has lead to the developing of a religious mind by the humans ancestors due fill the gap of ignorance they –and we- had, that lead in turn to the development of a superstitiou; so incantations, mystical chants, and a deep magical spell whose words are usually intangible & elusive has the ability to put him on an intense state of fear & terror (thus getting cringes & creeps) that might evolve to a Nocebo effect. Ambiguity may also be a key factor on the humans superstitious believe, like when sensing (seeing, hearing, smelling, and touching) something, but not feeling it! Especially in the dark, because human senses don’t usually perform well in dark environments, which lead in the end to feel creepiness, thus getting creeps.

·         The Fight or Flight response:

It has been shown in the part concerning self-inducing of Goosebumps that the intensity is double edged: it can causes for a modern human tingles accompanied with Adrenaline & Euphoria like feeling, as it can also causes him when depressed cringes (mainly creeps) accompanied with Adrenaline flux & Terror like feeling, some of the most nowadays known examples of creeps triggers are fear/hatred of sound (Misophonia), fear of dark, and a sensory experience in the dark (like the feeling of being watched in the dark), which are in a point in the past triggered for the sake of the surviving instinct on humans ancestors, for example:

o   Hatred of sound (Misophonia) : Being aware of any potential dangerous situation & environment, like getting paranoid & revulsion when hearing any sound that might remind the ancestor of a predator.

o   Feeling of being watched (psychic staring effect) : Escaping dangerous situations, like a tiger premeditating a human from behind.

o   Fear of the dark (Nyctophobia) : Escaping dangerous environments, like darkness, especially outside the group/tribe.


    IV.                        Bonus I : Self-generating of tics


1)      Smooth touching to parts of the skin -except the ears- with a fine thread or a feather (like inside the nose)

2)      Hard, quick, and steady movements with the tip of the tongue to the inside & outside of the upper & lower lip

It creates- or maybe just gives the sense- tiny saliva bubbles that pop instantaneously, the tingly feeling is like some sort of ants crawling the skin or tingles. It’s also possible –but with less results-  to do it with the outside of your lips with using the same technique.

3)      Imaginary tics- the artificially induced motor tics (disorder)

In my childhood, I was watching the T.V a lot, I would in the night turn the lights off and get as close as I can to the TV’s screen, which with time end up causing my eyes to itch, so I was rubbing them, but sometimes when I get tired of rubbing them with my hands, I just “auto-rub”[12] them by closing & squeezing my eyes so hard[13], I had a second tic that accompanied this one which was that of a strong wiggle of the lower jaw and neck (like a satisfactory auto-rub or press/massage to my gum and spine & throat!); the combo moves I was making with my neck were almost identical to those made by a stereotypical classic depiction of Frankenstein[14]. And this is how I developed my toughest motor tics[15]; and let’s not forget all the complex “bullying” my mother was doing against me, and forced praying since I was 5, which I didn’t like doing since that age to this day, it’s Just a mindless repetitive boring activity to do that renders me lazy to do other things I deem interesting, because praying slows my brain processing capability, decreases my active & creative side. No wonder that the two times in my life where I was most disciplined in to pray, was also the when I was in a catatonic like state with an absence of creativity; and mostly extremist in my world view. What a bad way for one to lose his childhood.

I once did that combo of the 3 tics in front of her at the presence of my aunt Zahra, which let my aunt asking me why I do that, something that lead to spark my mother’s anger at me (ⴰⵛⴽⵓ ⵏⵏⴷ ⵣⵓⵏⴷ ⵉⵏⵏⴰ ⵢⴰⴷ ⴰⴷ ⴰⴽ ⵉⵟⵕⵕⵥⵥⴰⵏ ⴰⴳⴰⵢⵢⵓ ⵏⵏⴽ ⵃⵙⵓⵎⴰ ⵛⵓⵀⴰ ⴷⵓⵔ ⵜⵙⴽⴰⵔⵜ ⵖⵉⴽⴰⴷ ⴷⴰⵔ ⵎⵉⴷⵏ, etc), making me cry as hell and running out my uncle’s house.

Another thing, my sister let her son watches TV (neon tube TV) for long hours in a close when he probably was 4 or 5 years old, so when I told her to reduce her son’s time span in front of the TV and makes the distance between him and the TV  much longer refusing so saying that it’s better for her to let him distracted so she can keep with the house chores, her son started having exactly the same eye and mouth tics, but fortunately enough, he didn’t spend that much doing so as he quite it too[16] as he is a genius and also because his mom stopped letting him having too much time in front of screens.

I also noticed that some of the people who put on glasses for long periods of time when they remove them they end up with a condition similar to my sis’s (she didn’t had glasses until lately), I personally think that in their cases it’s just the residue of the habit of fixing the glasses on the noise while doing daily activities (pull ups & downs) that is accompanied with things such as lifting the eyebrows or/and flaring the nostrils.

Let’s just take another of my life’s examples to showcase what I mean here: when I put on a ring I usually play with it using my thumb’s nail by inserting it in the cavities between the ring and the finger (as I have skinny fingers) and start wiggling & rubbing it, but when I remove the ring, the movement of doing so stays with me for a while! The same thing happens to me when I remove my wrist watch after being used to “auto” move it circularly to get the display upwards when it falls sideways due to my skinny hand not being tightened by the watch’s circumference.

      V.                        Bonus II: Self-generating Nocebo Effect and Nocebo Effect alike

Disclaimer: Being hyper-imaginative or emotional person who can easily get earworms might cause for such person to be more sensitive than average  for getting Nocebo & Nocebo like effect, even by just mimicking, remembering, or mentioning of the action to get them, whatever it’s by writing, audio, visual, or audio-visual source. Also, the effects might intensify to an unwanted level where the executer of the actions will have instinctively to do something to the triggered membrane to calm his urge.

1)      Feel or seeming to feel a physical reaction on a body part without any physical action to cause it

·         Making your eyes get few tears and pinkeye-like feeling accompanied with what looks like ⵉⵚⵔⵓⴱⴱⴰⵏ when seeing, reading, recalling, or mentioning of people’s eyes anomalies (Conjunctivitis, eyelids tricks, …) by different sensory and technological mediums. Pressing & rubbing the eyes help relieving the simulated pain (ⴰⵔ ⴰⵙ ⵏⵜⵜⵉⵏⵉ ⵖ ⵜⴰⵛⵍⵃⵉⵜ ⵜⴰⵎⵓⵔⵔⵓⴽⴻⵛⵜ “ ⴰⵔ ⵉⵜⴳⵥ ⵎⴰ ⵢⴰⴷ..ⵣⵓⵏ ⵖⵉⴽ ⵍⵍⵉ ⴰⵙ ⴰ ⵜⴳⵥ ⵜⴰⴼⴳⴳⴰ). Some of the examples that stimuli me to have the simulated pain include :  classmates in the primary school inside outing their eyelids, sister one time approximately in 2009 when watching a medical show (in 2M called Al-Milaf El-Ttibbi) told me to look at a woman’s eyes popped for an operation without blurring/pixeling them!!

·         Feeling like having pain on the genitals for a male when seeing someone get hurt himself (in some cases it can happens just by the mentioning/recalling of it by different sensory and technological mediums).

·         Feeling a pain on fingertips induced by tooth pain[17]. The most recent –and painful- example was in 15/11/2019 where I had pain to the point a root/vein started to fire (ⵣⵄⵎⴰ ⴰⵔ ⵉⴽⴽⴰⵜ) when I use my laptop’s rough integrated mouse-pad, that is just to find out that a whole chunk of one of my grinding teeth I was feeling the pain in its surroundings was missing!!

·         I observed several times (+stories of others with the same case) an effect that looks like anti-ASMR/negative ASMR but more behaviorally aggressive & compulsive: some people in the amazigh culture on the moroccan Souss region can sometimes develop towards the mentioning of the word ⵜⴰⵎⵎⵏⵜ (=the honey) a weird case of compulsive behaviors characterized with hard & long suction of air bare-mouthed making those weird cartoons kissing sounds or even those of bull but lighter. Sometimes this anomaly can exceed to a physical contact where the negatively “ASMRed” person can start touching the triggerer in one or both of these two ways: touching in a horny way, or squeezing on the triggerer torso with a quasi fist using the joined thumb and index –from its middle- fingers and who are in this quasi fist out of the constellation of the 3 linear fingers.

    VI.                        Other voluntary involuntaries I: Voluntary Selective Auditory Attention [Since childhood]

I had this weird case of what can only be called as a “Voluntary Selective Auditory Attention”: I would say to myself that I shouldn’t use bad/swearing words with and in the presence of my family members (excluding my parents and members in their age and above), so when someone of my family members say a “bad word”, my auditory system falls in somehow into “a directive temporary lock state” (towards this word and not anything else) making me unable to hear the word that was said! I know they said a “bad” word I couldn’t hear because whenever they laugh I don’t and they turn to my side asking me about what is said and I always tell them I didn’t hear anything except noise!!

  VII.                        Other voluntary involuntaries II: Voluntary Apophenia [early adulthood]

I still remember one night when I found out that I actually can in somehow voluntary let myself fall in what I later on discover to be called Pareidolia (specifically Apophenia), it all has to do with the state of my mindset, I should put on a mode ‘facial recognition” (just by saying to myself:”is there here anyone or any faces to see or that looks at me?”), then I instantaneously start them in anything and anywhere. I’ve found this when I one got to go on a bike paying a visit at night to the our Targa’s house, I then started to see faces, but when I told myself that that’s just an illusion it stopped, then when I said to myself the question above (in many variations such as: “let’s look to my surroundings and see how many things I can with & in see facial characters”), the effect was then again automatically activated.

VIII.                        Other voluntary involuntarities III: Voluntary biological clock setting [I think I noticed it in my highschool]

I have this biological watch that makes me come or go to places at the exact pinpoint of o’clocks or also praying calls times, this goes to the extent of it being voluntarily with me wishing before sleep (and then also makes Duâa, which works as a Placebo! Just to be more certain that I’ll woke up )to wake up at a certain time.. and I do!! It’s so effective that I wake up a second before the alarm’s goes off!!!

    IX.                        Other Found References




·         “The voluntary control of piloerection” (July 30, 2018)

preprint: “The voluntary control of piloerection” (March 1, 2018)


·         “Objective and continuous measurement of piloerection” (02 August 2010)


·         “Status-like recurrent pilomotor seizures: case report and review of the literature”(2000)


·         “Autonomic Activity and Brain Potentials Associated with "Voluntary" Control of the Pilomotors (Mm. Arrectores pilorum)” (1938)


·         “A Case of Voluntary Erection of the Human Hair and Production of Cutis Ansernia” (1902)


·         “Volitional Control of Piloerection: Objective Evidence and Its Potential Utility in Neuroscience Research” (June 5, 2020)




·         “In the flesh: Some people can give themselves goose bumps, study shows” (August 23, 2018)


·         "Voluntary Goosebump Study" (Facebook Group),


·         “The Curious Case of People Who Can Control their Goosebumps” (July 30,2018)


·         “The people who can give themselves goosebumps? Rare ability to produce them on command (but scientists have no idea how they do it)” (27 March 2018)


·         “If you can give yourself goosebumps, your brain might be special” (13 March 2018)


·         “People Who Have Voluntary Control of Goosebumps”





·         “Goose Bumps: Holistic & Spiritual Messengers”


·         “Mastering the Mind and Body: Conscious Control of the Autonomic Nervous System” (May 2, 2019)


·         “Voluntary activation of the sympathetic nervous system and attenuation of the innate immune response in humans” (2014)


·         “Body temperature changes during the practice of g Tum-mo yoga” (1982)


·         “Neurocognitive and Somatic Components of Temperature Increases during g-Tummo Meditation: Legend and Reality” (March 29, 2013)


·         “Three case reports of the metabolic and electroencephalographic changes during advanced Buddhist meditation techniques” (1990)


·         “Energy Healing with the Kabbalah: Integrating Ancient Jewish Mysticism with Modern Energetic Practices”, 2018, by Devi Stern :




·         “Universe 6 Caulifla Transforms Into Super Saiyan for the First time!!!” [Eng sub]

[Eng Dub] : “Caulifla Transforms into a SSJ for First Time: Dragon Ball Super Episode 92 English Dub”




·         “Why Do Only Some People Get ‘Skin Orgasms’ From Listening to Music?” (September 29, 2018)


·         “More than a feeling: Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) is characterized by reliable changes in affect and physiology” (June 20, 2018)


·         “Some People Get 'Brain Tingles' From These Slime Videos. What's Behind The Feeling?” (October 17, 2019)


·         “Beyond Goosebumps: Does the Arrector Pili Muscle Have a Role in Hair Loss?” (2014)



·         “What Are Goosebumps?” (October 12, 2011)


·         “Goosebump sensor developed by Korean research team” (25 June 2014)


·         “Why Bald People Don’t Get Goose Bumps on their Scalp” (December 27, 2016)


·         “The arrector pili muscle, the bridge between the follicular stem cell niche and the interfollicular epidermis” (2017)


·         “You asked: Why Do I Get the Chills when I’m not Cold?” (December 13, 2016)


·         “Getting to the bottom of goosebumps” (July 20, 2020)


·         “Cell Types Promoting Goosebumps Form a Niche to Regulate Hair Follicle Stem Cells” (July 16, 2020)


·         “Is the Hair Follicle Necessary for Normal Wound Healing?” (2011)


·         “Brainwave entrainment”


·         “The Relationship Between Valence and Chills in Music: A Corpus Analysis”, Rémi de Fleurian, Marcus T. Pearce. First Published July 27, 2021


[3] That was approximately back in the beginnings of the 2010s, and what I learned from that experience -if we don't consider that many of those responding in those forums may be lying to get attention- is that this phenomenon may be much common than I think, perhaps people just don't pay attention to it, just like how I found out that some of my close friends can also gleek when I show it to them wither by 1st try or they had it and never mention it.

[6] I think it was mainly based on Latin and Japanese spells languages & spells animation films and got cemented in my brain because of the affection power they have, I think it mainly was Disney and anime movies. But I can’t confirm all of this, in fact I think it was inspired by Gregorian chants too that can be sometimes incorporated on these 90s production (loved it all <3 ). The incantation is “Hisashami, nami hami” in repeat with approximately one second for each vowel.

[9] Its current content can be found in the last part of this paper.  

[10] Smooth talking, whispering, Touching, Scratching, Rubbing, Licking, Biting, and Chewing.

[11] Mainly with the opposite sex.

[12] Not manual (by hand!).

[13] Sometimes this tic gets back when I –again- watch too much TV or in general any switched-on digital screen such as that of a laptop or smartphone; luckily I can now suppress them better than when I was a kid.

[14] Let’s just say I was like someone who had an itch in the neck & eyes and some meat stuck in his teeth but couldn’t reach the three with his hands and decide to “auto” tackle them and at the same time!

[15] Since I used to have another one even before the combo above, but in a smaller scale where I was blinking excessively and rapidly my eyes as a 10 years old kid or so..but that one ended up after a constructive talk between me, my sister ⵍⵍⵉ ⵢⵉ ⵢⵓⵙⵉⵏ ⵉⴼⴰⵙⵏ ⵏⵏⵙ ⵖⴰⵚⵚⴰⵏ <3 , and my mother (it wasn’t all roses, she used to scream at me and shame me for it!)

[16] Btw my sis to has (has and not had!) a case of blinking eyes (auto-rub them) in a much slower fast and more condensed way (blink them towards the nose bone, as for mine and my sis’s son it was more in a cartoonish way) as long as I can remember, maybe because of the TV too; the 2nd and last person I knew having a similar tic was the ex-Qayd in my village.

[17] If I still remember, I once read or maybe watched on a Youtube video (or read in a Youtube video !) that rubbing between your thumb and index finger may helps reliving tooth pain! I don’t know how much credibility that has, and if it’s true I don’t know if it’s related to this or not.

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