Is it just me or is this scene from Howl's moving castle falling stars demons...
ⴰⵣⵓⵍ, ⵎⴰⵏⵉⴽ ⴰⵏⵏ ⵜⴳⴰⵎ? ⵜⴼⵊⵊⵉⵊⵎ? ⵎⴰ ⵢⵜⵎⵓⵙⵙⵓⵏ? ⵜⴱⴱⵉⵎ ⴼⵍⵍⴰⵙ? ⵀⵀⵀ This blog has a little bit of everything for everyone
Monday, February 22, 2021
I have this weird LCD game that I believe is so rare, at least I have no traces of it anywhere in the internet since I started looking for it approximately in 2009, nor did the bunch of collectors I emailed 5 years ago found anything..
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Fluids Motor of Tromelin
So a couple days ago, I was watching a video from the Youtube channel The Action Lab about Telekinesis, and I immediately remembered something similar to his apparatus -if not equivalant- in this part of a 1987 french science communication magazine called "Science & Vie" that I had sitting around -for almost a year now after I bought it from a flea market- where it talks about "moteur à fluide" or fluid motor in english and how this fluid is thought to be spiritual in nature and stuff like that..