Monday, February 22, 2021

Parallels between Howl's moving castle and Christianity (?)

 Is it just me or is this scene from Howl's moving castle falling stars demons...


I have this weird LCD game that I believe is so rare, at least I have no traces of it anywhere in the internet since I started looking for it approximately in 2009, nor did the bunch of collectors I emailed 5 years ago found anything..

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Fluids Motor of Tromelin

So a couple days ago, I was watching a video from the Youtube channel The Action Lab about Telekinesis, and I immediately remembered something similar to his apparatus -if not equivalant- in this part of a 1987 french science communication magazine called "Science & Vie" that I had sitting around -for almost a year now after I bought it from a flea market- where it talks about "moteur à fluide" or fluid motor in english and how this fluid is thought to be spiritual in nature and stuff like that..

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Paleontological Specimen (?)

Hello, I was hoping if anyone can identify this for me what kind of fossile it is -if any at all !-, at the 1st glance it looks like a dragonfly wing; but to this day no one could confirm nor deny that for me (mainly due to the dim pictures)even with all the people and professionals (even in dragonflies only!) I asked via the internet. These pictures are now more than 7 years old with the limited tools I had back then. Unfortunatlly, after that with a while (I think more than a year) I tried to extract that spicemen from the big rock it was sitting in -eventhou I knew it was a bad idea- to avoid its lost when some rumors were circling around about the possibility of some sort of road might pass there, so as you may excpect I destroyed the spicemen and this is all what is left of it :'-( !! And that was due to me lacking knowlege & fitting tools, stress to avoid my local ignorant gossipy community spotting us, and the lack of anthausiasm and mockery from my cousin's part when I asked him to come with me to be a helping hand and a guarding eye.
But anyway, what happened has happened, and now all what I'm hoping for is a professional opinion.